Radon Testing, Longmont
What is Radon?
Radon gas is a naturally occurring carcinogen. It is scientifically proven to lead to lung cancer in people.
38%+ of properties in the Longmont, CO area have a radon gas level above the dangerous limit.
Radon gas naturally occurs in the dirt, not the house. No structure- new or old – is fully shielded from radon.
Every house interfaces with the soil in a different manner. That is part of the reason why houses adjacent to each other may have majorly different radon saturation.
Radon gas concentration will rise or fall daily and monthly inside an acceptable range. A quick radon test measures a single day or week and is a dependable metric of whether or not the home has a radon gas problem.
Radon has a dangerous duration of about half of a week. radon gas saturation will not be higher if the property is enclosed for days, months, or years.
Houses are not built to be airtight.
Gas can seep in through every penetration in the house such as drainage, pipeworks, and even small flaws in the foundation.
Your way to know with certainty the levels of radon gas in the house is to have a radon test.
Sampling a house for radon gas is a special service when done with a house transaction.
Our radon professional will install the radon gas analyzers in the home. Radon detectors are situated on any level that touches the ground. On average up to three probes are left in the house for the radon gas measurement.
The radon gas specialist will close every window and door, shut the damper on the chimney, and make sure the heater or AC is operating in the required manner. The radon gas expert will additionally seal any indicated window with tamper indication tape to ensure that closed home standards are maintained.
The radon gas monitors remain in the structure for a few days to record the prevalence of radon gas in the building. A professional will come back to the house after the radon test is completed to return the analyzers and generate a report.
Give us a call today for a no-cost pricing estimate! Our radon testing consultants will come to visit to hear about your property, measure the area, and get you going on making your Longmont home one you can be proud of!
About EnviroTech Pros
SCHEDULE Radon Testing Services!
Expert Radon Professionals
8811 American Way, Unit 160, Englewood CO 80112
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